Come in and play with Massafra World Library

Welcome to the Massafra World Library website,
wandering around the site I could get a lot of information on its activities and on who contributed to the creation of this heritage for the city of Massafra. You can also keep up to date on News and Events that the library organizes, consult the catalog of his books and browse some of them directly digitally, take a tour from the top of the city of Massafra and the most characteristic places and also visit the library while staying at the computer.
By subscribing to our site you can also collect points in the form of Badges that are scattered here and there between the pages, you can get the first by registering (here ) and check your progress in your user area that you can customize with your avatar.
Challenge your friends in this digital treasure hunt through the pages of the Massafra site and collect all the Badges.